My Animal Friends

Tiggy in the Garden

Pip's Buddies 

Eating parsley

That's my bit!

Two Brothers

With Uncle Pip

Following the leader

Pip-squeak the Guinea-pig...

Pip is so small he can sit in my hand!

Isaac our little nephew calls Pip a Pinny-wig


Adventurous Pip

Tiger was one of the kittens in our first litter from Misty, who was a little farm kitten when we first moved in.  Her brothers and sisters were; Moppet, Mittens, Mushu, Whiskey and Podgey-grey.  Misty went on to have two more litters, the second with five and the last with 4.  All were very pretty and sweet and we quickly found good homes for them, except Tiger and Moppet who we kept.  Sadly Misty died on the road after her last litter and Moppet mysteriously disappeared so we just have Tiger now.  She loves being with us all the time but is only really allowed in the kitchen and has her own special place on the sofa, which she found all by herself!  She sneekily keeps an eye on the door to the rest of the house though and doesn't miss a chance to dash upstairs and find an even more comfortable place on my bed.

Tiger rarely goes outside at all, ever since one summer she was molested by a protective blackbird who swooped down on her every time she made an appearance and pecked her on the head!  She does come out occasionally though, if accompanied by someone, but usually takes refuge in our Holly tree.

Tiger has an array of nicknames, which we affectionately call her; Tiggy, Tiggs, Tigger, Tiggy-tiger - and not so affectionately - Cat!, when she's been naughty.


Unwanted and rejected, we adopted Poppy when she was 2 years old.  She was timid and nervous at first, not ever having been shown love and attention before.  However she soon changed and what a difference to the bouncy, happy Poppy of today!  She loves going for walks across the fields at the back of our house to the Gelt river.  When we go out to take her she can hardly contain herself, spinning in circles and tearing round us in such excitement!  She adores the river and goes swimming and paddling all year round.  Instead of sticks though, it's stones that are her favourite to be thrown in and fetched.  She will plunge in after it and then carefully bring it into position with her paws to duck her head under and bring it out in her mouth.  Then she will carry her stone all the way home having such adventures with it on the way; rolling it down hills to chase and pounce on, burying it, attacking it and bringing it to someone to be thrown.

Poppy gets on very well with Tiger unless on the rare occasion they happen to meet outside where upon Poppy can't resist a chase, much to Tiger's astonishment as she was only coming up to have a polite sniff hello!

Poppy was of course already named, being 2 years old when we got her.  However, as with Tiger she has various nicknames; Poppy-dog, Pops, Popsicle, Poppy-poo-pa and Poopy-poppy.

Happy Feet

Autumn, Chickens

Little Nell
Taken by Jesse knibbs

Little Nell on the stairs
Taken by Jesse Knibbs

Little Nell has a peep out my window; and can't resist a pounce on my collection of shells.


  1. Pip's buddies are cute, it looks like they follow him everywhere! The pictures of Tiger outside are nice too, does she like to go out in the snow?

  2. The guineas are nice and warm inside now. No, Tiger won't venture into the snow; Poppy loves it though!
