In The Garden

Garden Furniture

Our Garden

Apple Blossom

Throwing Stones in the River

A walk across newly mown fields on a hot summers day; with brooding clouds in the distance.

Imogen in the Garden

Martha in the Garden

This cheeky little girl was very hard to capture on camera!  Dashing round the garden in her pretty dress and shrieking with delight as she dodged me and escaped down another path or behind the shrubbery.  I did manage to get a few though as her little legs couldn't keep up the chase for long.

The Late Show of Bluebells

We arrived back home from our weeks holiday in Cornwall to find our garden had burst forth in vibrant colour and everything had grown a couple of inches in every direction, especially the grass!  The fruit blossoms were still in full glory which we were please about as we were worried we would miss their fleeting display which is there one minute and blown away the next.  The tulips we have in pots along the back terrace had bolted up and were trying to keep their heavy heads erect which had opened fully and looked so pretty with the sunlight glowing through their delicate pink petals.  And of course the bluebells; making up for their late arrival, blazed forth in a haze of mauvey blue and made us glad they hadn't come any earlier.

February  1st 2013

These have been flowering in our garden all through December and January, surviving the cold snap we had the other week.  I've been meaning to photograph them for ages and now at last I have on this sunny Saturday afternoon.

August 2012



Martha in the Rabbit pen


Spring 2012

Imogen in her play pen in the garden; 27th April

Beginning of June 


Lupins and Angelica 

Lithodora Diffusa 'Heavenly Blue', common name 'Purple Gromwell'

Evening Light


Decapitating a Dandelion


Taken 11th April
Plum Blossom

Pear Blossom Buds

Early Autumn 

Time for wood burners and open fires to be kindled and stoked up in order to banish the chilly dampness of autumn and cheer the dim evening light with their blaze.  We are well stocked up with wood; the high winds we had a few weeks ago brought down some hefty branches of oak, beech and ash.

Dog Wood

Spindle Berries

Spindle Berries

Red Admiral on Ice Plant

Oreo and Pepper eating Rosemary through their fence






Pear Blossom

Apple Blossom

Winter Garden
click to enlarge

Don't worry, the guineas aren't shut in their house; they are warm and cosy in their hutch inside!

The Bantams aren't too sure about the snow and keep to their hut

The Ducks don't seem to mind!

Autumn Garden

Apple blossom in the orchard, and below how it looked five and a half weeks ago with the little daffodils

I saved these beautiful Lady's smock flowers today from being mown over by Jesse as he cut the bottom lawn.  You can just see him in the background.  The bottom lawn hadn't been cut yet this year and in consequence transformed into a meadow with wild flowers and very long grass!  I couldn't bear to see these chopped off in their glory so picked a jugful to bring inside.

Spring is here at last!

Daffodils and Hyacinths

Daffodils in the orchard

Daffodils and pussy-willow

Dew on the grass


Pictures from Previous Years

Across to the Chicken House

Mock Orange

Rocketing Foxgloves

We picked these from the garden after coming back from holiday in Cornwall one year.  The lawn had grown like a meadow and was carpeted in flowers.  We gathered as many as we could, stuffing them into jugs and jam jars before it had to be cut.

Buttercups and Birdseye

Bunnies eating Bluebells


  1. Your new graden pictures are gorgeous. I love the pink roses and purplish hydrangeas. Are those tall spires delphimiums? I can't tell from the pictures.

  2. Thank you! Yes the tall blue spires are delphiniums and the pink are foxgloves. You can click on the pictures to enlarge so you can see better.
