Our redcurrant bush has abundantly produced over 7 lbs of these beautiful ruby red berries this year.  

When berries are bright and glossy pick  on a dry sunny day, snipping off the whole strigs and being careful to catch them as they fall.  Only wash if absolutely necessary and make sure they are thoroughly dry.  

To remove from the strigs hold by the top and run a fork gently but firmly downwards, so the berries pop off.  Be careful to get the strig the right way up or you will end up with the berries coming off with little stems still attached.

Because of their sharpness redcurrants are usually stewed with sugar for use in pies, pancake fillings or cheesecake toppings.  They combine well with other fruit, such as cherries and raspberries.  Mix together for summer flans, or use as a strudel filling with cream cheese.  Currants also make delicious hot or cold sauces, and when poached and sieved can be used in mousses, soufflés and sorbets.  Currants have a high pectin content making them excellent for jellies and jams.

Currants will keep for about a week in the fridge provided any damaged ones are removed and cover to minimise shrinkage.  To freeze, mix 4 0z sugar to 1 lb of currants and place in rigid well sealed containers.  I first put them in a freezer bag and then into ice cream containers/pots.            


  1. That is a lot of berries Olivia! Did they all come off one bush? They look gorgeous. One year I made a blackcurrant cordial with berries we picked- it is delicious!

  2. Yes, all from one bush, and it isn't very big either! That is just 1 lb in the jug, I picked another 6 jugfuls!
